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Diamond Crystal® Bright & Soft® Water Softener Salt Pellets.

Diamond Crystal

SKU: 16531071

Water SoftenersKeep your shower and appliances running smoothly by transforming your hard water with high purity Bright & Soft® Water Softener Salt Pellets. Our water softener salt pellets contain typical 99.8% pure salt to transform your home’s hard water to soft water.

These compacted water softener salt pellets are specially formulated to prevent mushing and bridging in the water softener brine tank—helping to keep your water softener clean and trouble-free. Our patented two-handled bags make lifting and carrying easier than ever. Bright & Soft® Water Softener Salt Pellets are recommended for most water softeners.

Have a Water Softener Salt Question? Visit our Water Softener Salt FAQs page.

Premium-purity water softener salt - typically 99.8%
Greater than 99.7% water soluble
Compacted pellets specially formulated to prevent mushing and bridging
Patented two-handle, 40 lb bags make lifting and carrying easy
Helps extend life of appliances, pipes and fixtures
Helps keep laundry and hair, soft and bright
NSF® Certified to NSF/ANSI/CAN 60
Size Availability

25 lb. Bag
40 lb. Bag
50 lb. Bag
20 kg. Bag

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