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Miracle-Gro® Water Soluble All Purpose Plant Food

Miracle Gro

SKU: 13806203


  • Miracle-Gro® Water Soluble All Purpose Plant Food grows bigger, more beautiful plants (vs unfed plants)
  • This all-purpose plant food starts working instantly and promotes quick, beautiful results
  • Use with the Miracle-Gro® Garden Feeder or any watering can
  • To use with indoor plants, mix 1/2 tsp per gallon of water in a watering; For outdoor plants, mix 1-1/2 tbsp per 1-1/2 gallon of water
  • One 10 lb. container of Miracle-Gro® Water Soluble All Purpose Plant Food feeds approximately 4,000 sq. ft. of garden area


Grow bigger and more beautiful plants with Miracle-Gro® Water Soluble All Purpose Plant Food (vs unfed plants). This gardening product feeds plants instantly. In addition, it's safe for all plants and won't burn plants when used as directed. Use with all types of indoor or outdoor plants, including flowers, vegetables, houseplants, roses, trees, and shrubs. This plant food may be used with container plants or in-ground gardens. To apply to indoor plants, use the small end of the included scoop (1/2 tsp) and mix plant food with 1 gallon of water in a watering can. Reapply every 2 weeks. For outdoor plants, use the large end of the included scoop (1 1/2 tbsp) and mix with 1 1/2 gallons of water in a watering can. Reapply every 7 to 14 days. When using in large garden areas, fill a Miracle-Gro® Garden Feeder (sold separately) and follow feeder directions. For best results, just soak the soil at the base of each plant to fertilize the roots. One 10 lb. container of Miracle-Gro® Water Soluble All Purpose Plant Food feeds approximately 4,000 sq. ft. of garden area.


How to Use

For outdoor plants, there are two great methods for feeding your garden:

With the Miracle-Gro Garden Feeder:

  • One feeder refill packet in the Miracle-Gro® Garden Feeder will cover 500 sq. ft. in approximately 12 minutes.

With a Watering Can:

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of Miracle-Gro® for every gallon of water.

For All Flowers and Vegetables:

  • Use 1 gallon for every 10 square feet of flowers and vegetables, every 7 to 14 days.

For Roses:

  • Use 1/2 gallon for small bushes. Use 1 gallon for large bushes. Feed every 7 to 14 days.

For indoor plants:

  • Mix 1/2 teaspoon (not tablespoon) per gallon of water. Apply every 2 weeks. We do not recommend foliar (leaf) feeding for houseplants.


Where to Use

  • Can be used for all flowers, vegetables, shrubs, trees and houseplants

When to Apply

  • For spectacular results, feed every 7 to 14 days, anytime during the growing season.
  • Slow-growing plants can be fed less often (monthly).

How Often to Apply

  • Can be applied every 7-14 days

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